Veteran Services Forms
Downloadable Forms
Below are many of our commonly used forms available for you to download and sign electronically. Please upload into your MyViking, mail, fax, email or hand deliver completed forms to the Veteran Services Office, unless otherwise advised on the form. (Link to a PDF file requires Adobe Reader.)
Veteran/Dependent Request for Certification Request for Certification 2024-2025 Request for Certification 2025-2026 (Fall 2025 - Summer 2026) |
Request for the VSO to certify classes with the Department of VA. This form must be completed each semester a student wants to be certified. |
Student Agreement Student Educational Agreement |
Educational Agreements that must be completed your first semester prior to certifying classes. |
Transcript Evaluation Request Transcript Evaluation Request |
Transcript evaluation request that must be completed your first semester prior to certifying classes. |
Boots to Books (B2B) Scholarship Application |
Foundation Scholarship for boots, books, and beyond gap funding for veterans. Maximum of $600 per academic year. Dependent students are not eligible. |
Meals for Vets Scholarship Application |
Scholarship Application for meal assistance. |
Hazlewood New Student Application |
Hazlewood Student application to apply for benefits, and checklist of documents needed. Use this form if you have missed a semester at Grayson, or are transferring from another Institution. |
Hazlewood Returning Student Application |
Hazlewood Student renewal application for benefits. Only use this form if you are continuing enrollment at Grayson College. |
Hazlewood Revocation Form |
To revoke hours from being used by another person of the same family. |